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World Health Day: Taking Care of the Planet and Yourself


earth hour with who and viber

Take care of the planet, it’s good for you!!

On this year’s World Health Day we are proud to support the WHO to focus global attention on the urgent actions we all need to take to keep ourselves and the planet healthy through the “Our planet, our health” campaign.

Learn more about it in WHO’s latest update, originally posted here.

Our Planet, Our Health

It’s time we take more responsibility for how our actions exacerbate human health and environmental problems! On World Health Day 2022 Viber supports WHO to focus global attention on urgent actions needed to keep humans and the planet healthy through the “Our planet, our health” campaign. The new WHO Health for Life sticker pack released today on Viber Sticker Market highlights sustainable living, self-care, water intake, healthy eating habits and more. Download the sticker packs here: Viber Sticker Market.

”As a leader messaging app, Viber is quite a powerful platform and I believe it’s our duty for this impact to be positive,” said Petya Kamburova, Senior Global Business Development Manager. “We wanted to help educate our users about the importance of protecting the environment and how it is connected to our overall health and wellbeing in an engaging and easy-to-understand way. Teaming up with the WHO in time for the World Health Day and offering the tools of our platform to reach millions of users was a natural decision.”
“The climate crisis is a health crisis,” said Maria Neira, Director of the department of Public Health & Environment, World Health Organization. “Let’s reimagine a world where clean air, water and food are available to all. Where economies are focused on health and well-being. Where cities are livable, and people have respect for their health and the health of the planet.”

Roughly 24% of all global deaths are linked to the environment – a healthier environment could prevent these deaths. The COVID-19 pandemic is a further reminder of the delicate relationship between people and our planet. Our political, social and commercial decisions are driving the climate and health crisis.

Pollution and plastics are found at the bottom of our deepest oceans, the highest mountains and have made their way into our food chain. Systems to produce ultra-processed, unhealthy foods and beverages are driving a wave of obesity, increasing cancer and heart disease while generating a third of greenhouse gas emissions.

Asthma, heart disease, lung diseases are skyrocketing as over 90 percent of people breathe unhealthy air resulting from burning of fossil fuels. A heating world is seeing mosquitoes spread diseases further and faster than ever before. Extreme weather events, land degradation and water scarcity are displacing people and affecting their health.

By sharing knowledge, and raising awareness among friends and family, we can make a real difference in human well-being and quality of life.

Take action and inspire others:
Walk or pedal to work at least one day a week. Choose public transport.

Change to a renewable energy provider; don’t heat your rooms over 21.5C, turn off the light when not in the room.

Buy your fresh groceries from local producers and avoid highly processed foods and beverages.

Tobacco is a killer and a polluter. Stop consuming tobacco.

Buy less plastic, use recyclable grocery bags.

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